
Ways to Say No to Sex with Your Husband without Hurting His Feelings

Saying No to Your Hubby without hurting his feelings

Ways to Say No to Sex with Your Husband without Hurting His Feelings Ladies, we love our husbands… and we often enjoy ourselves with them. So, it’s no surprise to feel a little uneasy when we have to turn down their advance towards us. Here are some simple tips for telling him no and not hurting his feelings at the...[ read more ]

4 Steps To Getting Connected To The Support You Need

Getting Connected to the mental help you need

We all have our own threshold for the amount of discomfort we are willing to put up with. Each of us is different in regards to what we are willing to put ourselves through and what we will endure before we say enough is enough. There is no magic number of experiences or level of suffering that makes a person’s...[ read more ]

5 Facts About Anxiety

5 facts about anxiety

5 Facts About Anxiety An estimated 264 million people worldwide have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is one of the most common forms of mental illness. I am frequently asked, “What is the difference between anxiety and worrying?”or “How do I know if I have anxiety?” Because this question is so commonly asked, I have compiled a list of helpful facts...[ read more ]


Vitality of the Mind

Boundaries There is a lot of talk about boundaries in the mental wellness arena. You might hear about it when you come across articles about co-dependency or substance abuse problems, but really, you don’t have to have either to be affected by boundaries. Boundaries are simply stated as the line that is drawn in the sand about something that is...[ read more ]

How to develop a positive relationship with his ex-wife.

How to develop a positive relationships with his ex-wife

How To Develop A Positive Relationship With His Ex-Wife I have combed through a lot of information from the professionals to the enthusiasts to find out what I can about the relationships between the new wife and ex-wife. My goal was to figure out what elements help you create a positive relationship with the ex. What I’ve found is that,...[ read more ]

How Do I Talk To My Husband About His Children?

How to talk to your husband about his children

How Do I Talk To My Husband About His Children?   I am asked this question so frequently. Usually, it comes at times when step-mothers are at their wits end and have been experiencing a variety of emotions you never expected. For example,  resentment, guilt, frustration, anger and even hatred.   I suspect that children struggle more with their father...[ read more ]

Therapy for Women - Services

Vitality of the Mind Services Vitality of the Mind offers a variety of services to meet a modern woman’s needs. On-demand sessions - Sometimes we are on the hinge of something that needs a brief question and answer discussion. Whether it’s your first time searching for some clarification about something troubling you or needing some support, on-demand sessions are your...[ read more ]

How to deal with partners who don’t support your goals.

How to deal with a partner who does not support your dreams

How to deal with partners who don’t support your goals. You’ve started the journey on your new goals. You’ve got the momentum and you’re doing it. Then you get a comment from your partner or friend that totally derails you. All of a sudden you start to question yourself. Your momentum is halted. You start to come up with all...[ read more ]

Great Places to Start

Great Places to Start

It’s the second day for 2019!!!! I just can’t believe it! But at the same time I totally thrilled about the year starting and getting going on this year’s goals. I have heard a mix of responses from people when they talk about their goals for 2019. I’ve gotten responses ranging from shear excitement, inspiration, motivation to some from the...[ read more ]


Expectations Vitality of the Mind

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case.   Expectations are a fabulous thing. They are the precursor to predicting the future, but we all know that unless we have mystical, magical powers we cannot predict the future. So what function do expectations provide us?   Our...[ read more ]


Maria Littleton LMFT Vitality of the Mind Exposure

Exposure, this is a term that one of my good friends Cam, introduced to me when I was describing an experience where I had ventured outside of my comfort zone. I didn’t even know this term existed until the very moment he identified what I had experienced. Now it’s like a go- to because it is such a relatable term....[ read more ]

Love, Relationships, Growth, Family and Loss

The top most talked about topics in my office are: love, relationships, loss, growth, family. It’s hard to believe that I get to talk all day long with people about these everyday topics. There is a lot of laughter and tears shed in my office over them. So, what do we talk about regarding these topics?   We talk about...[ read more ]

Step Parenting

Maria Littleton, Vitality of the Mind, Step Parenting

  The hardest part about step-parenting is the fact that there is no clear cut guide how to do it. Parenting is hard enough as it is. Step-parenting adds a whole new level to the dynamics. In this article I will discuss 5 tips to help a step-parent maneuver with compassion through the thicket of step-parenting. These tips come from...[ read more ]


Vitality of the Mind Maria Littleton Postpartum

I spent this morning at the doctor’s office because my little guy hasn’t been feeling well. No matter how old your baby is, when you’re a new mom it’s all the same: it’s scary AF!!!!! My little tyke had been having a fever for a couple of days, which turned into a suspicious cough. My heart was aching for him....[ read more ]

First Week Back to School…Now What?!!!!

Hello Mommies...and daddies!!! So, we made it through the first week of school!!! Everyone give yourself a huge award for getting through it! It’s funny because back to school is such a momentous event that comes, sweeps us off our feet, and then bammm lays us out on the floor. It’s like a storm we can see coming and get...[ read more ]

It’s not for me

In recent days we have heard some news that has really had an impact on ideas of our own mortality. When well known individuals, who have put themselves out there for us to get to know have suddenly been taken away from us we can been deeply affected without realizing it. These events can stir up emotions that are rarely...[ read more ]

I am weak

Behind closed doors we'll tell ourselves anything to get out of being in the “hot seat”. One of those things is: “I’m weak for asking for help.” Or “I’m a failure because I can’t figure it out myself.” These are limiting beliefs. The only thing these types of statements serve is to preserve the current state you are in. So,...[ read more ]

How can therapy help?

Research and statistics show that overall mental health improves with the support of therapy. However, often, I find that isn’t what people are looking for when they ask this question. Usually, they are looking to find out how therapy can help THEM. The answer is: it is different for each person. As each person is unique, so too are the...[ read more ]

What is Therapy

That’s a simple question with a long answer. In short, it is a professional service provided by a licensed professional or intern whose education and training centers around providing specific interventions to assist with improving a client’s life with respect to relationships with them-self and others. DID I LOSE YOU??????????? This definition sounds very clinical and dry, when in fact,...[ read more ]

Tips to Survive Holiday Stress

The Holidays can bring up so many different emotions, both the good and bad. As we launch into the holidays we are often flooded with different memories that impact us in so many ways; whereas, other times of the year we typically are primarily influenced by our day-to-day stressors. As such, there are specific dates throughout the year, the holidays...[ read more ]

The Tour That Got Me Here

Hi there! I am so glad that you are here. I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself to you. I thought that maybe this could help break the ice a little. I mean, you are here because you have some questions and are probably in the middle of making a big decision for yourself. Maybe you want to...[ read more ]

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