Research and statistics show that overall mental health improves with the support of therapy.
However, often, I find that isn’t what people are looking for when they ask this question. Usually, they are looking to find out how therapy can help THEM.
The answer is: it is different for each person. As each person is unique, so too are the specific benefits that they receive from therapy. Someone won’t really know what these benefits are until they go through the journey of working with their therapist.
What people who have worked with a therapist find is usually more than they expected.
Someone might come to therapy because they “keep meeting the wrong people and getting their heart broken. So they want to know what is wrong with them in order to fix it and finally meet the RIGHT person”. When done with therapy that person may have learned more about themself than they anticipated for good reasons and find themself in a better position than they expected before they started.
Someone else might come into therapy because they are frustrated with their lives. They feel like they aren’t getting anywhere with their job and are always passed up on promotion. Which leads them to feeling depressed and in a never ending cycle of self-defeat and continued unhappiness. Through the process of therapy this individual may unlock blocks to their happiness and promotions that they never knew existed.
Another person might seek therapy because they are so unhappy in their relationship with their spouse or partner; claiming they feel unheard and unable to connect. In working with a therapist this person may begin to understand where this disconnection comes from and soon find re-connection and an improved relationship.
These are a few examples of ways that therapy help improve lives. They are by no means guarantees of exact results because each individual is unique and come with their own unique circumstances. However, what is true is a therapist works with you in your unique situation with efforts to support you in achieving your goals.
Have a question about what you are going through and wonder if therapy is right for you? Send me a message now, or give me a call and we can find out how therapy can help you.